Movie Feuilleton Cultural, Compartimiento Cinematografico


Feuilleton Cultural,

Tuesday, Jan 24, 18:00 and 20:00 pm

Compartimiento Cinematografico

Calzada de la EstaciĆ³n N.59

100 pesos

Reservations:100 pesos, inbox, facebook and Instagram

After now more than ten years, that made the decision, I would do the same again. A fifteen year run for an contemporary art project is a long time, in a constantly reinventing of   oneself in a global art world. The artists, that we discovered, guided and promoted were ready to conquer the world and outgrew us.  For me it was a feeling of being proud of then, like a parent would feel, when their children are successful. To really remain contemporary, its for me only logical, that the project would come to an end, to dedicate my time to before neglected areas, like the collection and producing artwork as an artist myself, instead of starting all over again.

I entered in a phase of transition which I actually enjoyed looking for new concepts and a new focus: I knew only, that I had to go again against the stream, which had been successful the first time, have new challenges, but also preserve the Kunsthaus project and the artwork David and I collected and artist donated. I realized, what a great responsibility it is, to take care of it, like if you have a pet or a large property, you are responsible for its wellbeing. Endless hours and hard work of people and artist giving it all are invested in it.  At the end I knew, that it had to be digital as well as physical with the art work itself, which is a huge task, a process I could only started and hopefully guide into the right direction and document as many facts and statements, I could possibly do, plus enter into new territories that technologies make possible, like streaming. I concentrated, in what know is Feuilleton Cultural. I developed a concept with five segments for a life streaming event, locally and globally: reliving the Kunsthaus  expositiones  and events after twenty years, with invited guests, have a music station, with the restored Steinway grand piano from 1919 at the center, to enjoy culture appropriately, a life style segment, focusing on local designers and artists, invite experts and finally: presenting other arts and cultural projects.

This was all theory, till I attended Hannah Secoraā€™s life drawing class, when I realized what was missing: a soul. Her energy  and guidance, very hard work, but also the feeling of being in a group of local talent , Community , what she was calling it, keep it simple, make it about community ,our very special community here in San Miguel, its quality of life, but also look at the global community and have very high goals like : not also save the planet, but have quality of life for all the people on the planet enter into peace talks with enemies, crime bosses,  dictators, religious extremists , make John Lennonā€™s ā€œImagenā€ come true and at least try to go in the right direccion. Love not war.

In Feuilleton Cultural I found what I was looking for, sadly my happiness lasted only a few days, when it lost its soul. But it has to go on! Even though Hannah Sicora is irreemplazable, her Spirt is still present in us and the spirts of lots of others like Fernando Morales, Ernesto Herrera, just to name a few and we all will be spirts one day and live on in the memory of local and global communities.

I like to thank Nina Rodrigues to present the first edition of the feuilleton in her theater ,if you donā€™t know it, youā€™re missing out big time.

Felipe Osorio or Leche de Virgen, a reknown performance artist proferor qt UAQā€™s master program will resent Hannah Sicora as a performance artist and will lecture about extreme art in general. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 

Lothar Muller