Prevention is the Way

By Dr. Omar Herrera Pérez

Prevention of prostate and urological diseases is an important aspect of men’s health. Here are some tips and measures to consider for reducing the risk of prostate disease:

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: adopt a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods low in saturated fat. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Also, get regular physical activity and maintain a healthy weight.

2. Eat a diet rich in specific nutrients: some studies suggest that certain nutrients may be beneficial for prostate health. These include lycopene (found in foods like tomatoes), omega-3 fatty acids (found in oily fish like salmon), and vitamins D and E. Consult a doctor or nutritionist for personalized recommendations.

3. Maintain good genital hygiene to prevent infections that can affect the prostate.

4. Get regular physical activity, such as walking, running, or playing sports can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of prostate disease.

5. Don’t smoke: smoking has been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer as well as other diseases. If you are a smoker, consider seeking help to quit.

6. Get regular medical checkups: it is important to undergo regular prostate exams, such as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and the digital rectal exam (DRE), especially after the age of 50. These tests can help detect prostate problems early including cancer.

7. Contact your doctor: if you have any concerns about your prostate or if you experience symptoms such as difficulty urinating, pain, or changes in sexual function, it is important to see a doctor. You can receive guidance and have the necessary tests to assess your prostate health.

8. Remember that prevention and early diagnosis are essential for the successful treatment of prostate disease. It is always advisable to seek the advice of a healthcare professional for specific guidance based on your individual case.

The diagnosis of urological diseases, including those related to the prostate, is based on a combination of medical evaluation, laboratory tests, and imaging techniques. Some common methods used in the diagnosis are a medical history and a physical examination. Information is collected about your symptoms, medical, and family history as well as your state of physical health, a urinalysis to detect indicators of disease, and a blood test which may include measurement of PSA. Transrectal ultrasound is a common procedure to evaluate the prostate; prostate biopsy removes small tissue samples for laboratory analysis; and CT or MRI imaging techniques can be used to obtain detailed images of the prostate and detect the presence of tumors, infections, or other conditions.

Remember that the diagnosis of urological diseases requires evaluation by a specialist in urology. If you have symptoms or concerns it’s important to seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

Dr. Omar Herrera Pérez is a urologic surgeon.